Where the idea begins to take shape
A team of designers ready for every need, alongside the customer
From the needs in the structural field to those of the regulatory area, in the construction of a complex architectural envelope there are more and more characteristics to take into account: Simeon provides a team of designers capable of accompanying the customer from the stages prior to the executive phase.
Design Assist
The customer brings the idea. We are ready to assist him right from the beginning to realise it.
We propose different alternatives based on the architectural intent toward the best solutions from all points of view, such as: aesthetic, functional, economic and legislative, within the framework of the main standards in the environmental field.

BIM Process
Il progetto diventa un cloud accessibile a tutte le aree aziendali e al cliente: con il BIM si possono generare file 4D e 5D, includendo tempi e costi, in modo da poter monitorare a 360° l’avanzamento dell’opera in ogni suo aspetto. Abbiamo implementato questa tecnologia in diversi progetti, come per Ilot Pasteur, cosa che ci ha permesso, in questo caso, di collaborare in tempo reale con il Dipartimento dei lavori pubblici del principato di Monaco.
The project becomes a cloud accessible to all business areas and the customer: with BIM you can generate 4D and 5D files, including times and costs, so you can monitor the progress of the work in all its aspects. We have implemented this technology in several projects, such as for Ilot Pasteur, which has allowed us, in this case, to collaborate in real- time with the Department of Public Works of the Principality of Monaco.

3D Digital prototyping to redefine the design process
With the prospect of extending areas where classic design cannot reach, we use modelling and rendering software such as Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, Cinema 4D and 3DSMAX, to create mock-ups with parametric technology to overcome the complexities of design and give stakeholders unreachable results with traditional techniques, involving our interlocutors in meetings and views in augmented and virtual reality.