Project completed: Le Mirabeau in Marseille, France

1 Marzo 2024

We are thrilled to announce the completion of an outstanding project!

#LeMirabeau, designed by Hala Wardé, is now an emblematic architectural and technological feature of the #Marseille skyline, a city with a thriving economy and high quality of life.

Situated on the seafront, with 21,800 m² of leasable space and 85 meters height, this tower is a reflection of CMA CGM’s and Bouygues Immobilier’s commitment to a hassle-free, high performance environment, which #Simeon totally agrees with.

Our team was responsible for the design, production and installation of the single and double skin #façade, stainless-steel vertical #louvers, custom perforated roof-top #cladding and more.

Congratulations to the whole team!


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